A new residential estate for more than 1000 units

Residential estate – Livingmachine
The entire project is built on the 5 acts.
- Exposure:
The assignment involved capturing one’s living situation. Through detailed features and undefined, exposed objects, life emerges in the drawing. The aim was to gain a feeling for proportions, dimensions, appearances, anthropometry. What was initially dismissed as a banal task turned out to be an instructive experience in which I took up the analytical examination of my living situation. It helped me in future tasks to stay in proportion and never lose the feeling for spaces and their particularities. - Increase
In the increase, I received a poetic and a conventional floor plan. My task was to multiply them in a playful way and to analyze the result. The poetic ground plan, characterized by an artistic staffage, seemed free in its development, while the conventional one has a clear structure based on specific framework conditions. - Peripety
After getting to know the two floor plans, I identified their characteristics and combined them into a synthesis of my own. To experience the result, I made a model that reflects the proportions and the quality. - Retarding Moment
Here my previous floor plan was tested for its feasibility. The task was to create a three-flat. I chose two symmetrical flats and filled the gap with a smaller one. Due to the given guidelines, my floor plan had changed in appearance, but in principle still follows the same essence. The artistic face lies in the consistent division of the floor plan into two areas. The balcony side receives the poetic feature, while the private rooms represent a clear structure. This creates the ideal spaces in the context of the use of those.
Resolution - Resolution
The chosen plot is situated in the middle of a forest opposite the Asemwald housing estate. The aim was to develop a concept in the context of the surroundings that would blend discreetly into the forest and at the same time offer exciting and idyllic moments for residents and visitors. The heart of the new settlement is a pond with a park and other social facilities. The spine is created by an artificial river whose beginning is a scaled reflection of the end. The residential buildings stand on stilts and face the river, the source of life, as in the story. There will be 1,024 flats with more than 2 bicycle parking spaces per unit, 5 square meters of cultivation space in the greenhouse domes per unit, an adequate co-working area, a library, a sports area with a fitness center and tanning salon, several restaurants, and bars, two daycare centers, several shops, and cultural space.