Urban District - Fasanenhof Urban design
The redevelopment of Europaplatz, a redensification and the formation of a green center should increase the attractiveness of Fasanenhof again.

Urban District – Fasanenhof
The current place
The „Fasanenhof“ in Stuttgart-Möhringen is a district on the southern outskirts of Stuttgart. Framed by the A8 and the B27, the district is bordered by Leinfelden-Echterdingen in the south and the commercial area in the east. The development of Fasanenhof began in the 1960s as a planned purely residential town „away from the workplaces“. A large housing estate for about 10,000 inhabitants was to be built. The goal was a broken-up residential town in the green with plenty of space between the buildings and plenty of room for access by car. To avoid monotony, a mixture of apartment buildings, row houses and three prominent high points was planned. At the end of 1960, the first residents were able to move into their new homes in Fasanenhof. The supposed attractiveness of the residential city lost its charm with unattractive, unused and huge green spaces between the buildings and too parked, unlively public spaces.
The new creation
The area to be designed in the south is currently used by a city nursery, for sports areas, a pet cemetery and many open spaces, as well as the noise barrier to A8 and B27.The new part of Stuttgart Fasanenhof captivates by its blue brace that is created by the Zettach. It characterizes and structures the area. This is where public life takes place. To achieve this, the Zettach had to be renaturalized and brought back to the surface. Distributed along the water are the buildings of the university that border the area and bring additional life and fresh wind into the existing Fasanenhof. The Zettach serves here as a link between the university buildings and thus ensures a lively exchange. A magistrale connects the old with the new area, guiding visitors to the central square. Continuing on from this, one reaches the Start-Up Trio at the southern edge of the quarter. This is formed by three solitaires and consists of a freely usable hall for students and small companies, a building for subleases for start-ups, and a high point with office use. The high point also marks the transition via a pedestrian bridge to Leinfelden-Echterdingen. This connection brings additional contact to further universities and start ups. This high point also makes the area recognizable from the highway. Basically, public functions are located on the first floor. Along the blue corridor as well as the central square, cafés and restaurants are located, beyond which stores and services are located. Above the publicly accessible first floors are residential, thus ensuring a mix. Due to the mainly used perimeter block development, there is an inner courtyard with additional privacy for the residents. The goal of the design was to keep the neighborhood as traffic-free as possible. To achieve this, the area is equipped with two neighborhood parking garages and an additional Mobility Hub. A single street runs through the area, forming a traffic-free island. The bus route runs through this street as well as the access road to the parking garages. The existing sound wall is played with by a walking path with scattered forest houses and sports equipment for a fitness trail.
This Project was made in groups of 5. Everyone of us had his part in the result. Groupmembers: Alissia, Emilie, Anne, Kaya, Sonny